High speed counting, loading & packing solutions
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Breaded Products Solution

Loading your breaded products into packaging demands the highest levels of care, hygiene, and efficiency. Our Breaded Products Loading Solution is specifically engineered to enhance your operational efficiency and boost your Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).

The Breaded Products Loader is strategically positioned after the freezer to handle delicate, crispy, and irregularly shaped items. Due to their fried nature, these products are prone to crumbling if handled excessively. Thus, it’s crucial to manage them with the utmost care, utilizing hygienic equipment to prevent bacterial contamination before packaging.

Our engineering team has meticulously designed the most hygienic Breaded Products Loader on the market, adhering to and surpassing EHEDG (European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group) standards. This ensures it meets the rigorous demands of the food industry.

Breaded products come in various recipes, each with unique lengths, weights, and diameters, requiring a highly adaptable solution. The Velec Breaded Products Loader is designed with this versatility in mind. It efficiently loads products into packaging, whether in even or odd quantities, providing exceptional production flexibility. Depending on the product type, our loader can process over 335 breaded items per minute into their primary packaging, while also accommodating secondary packaging needs.

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Increase your OEE

DiameterFrom 12 to 50mm
LengthUp to 150mm
OutputUp to 335 units/min
Energy400V – 50/60Hz – 32kw
Air pressure6 bars – 30m3/h

Gentle Handling to Maximize Profits

Our Breaded Products Loading solution ensures gentle and precise handling, preserving the delicate nature of your products to maintain their original quality and maximize your profits.

First, the breaded products are carefully transported on a conveyor elevator, guiding them onto the centrifuge machine’s plate. The centrifugal force then moves them towards the edge of the plate, allowing each product to be transferred one by one to the rim of the drum. From there, they are guided sequentially onto the centering conveyor.

Next, they are moved into the flowpack loader, where they are aligned into groups in preparation for packaging on the infeed flowpack conveyor. After packaging and separating the packets, they are then loaded into boxes using the cardboard loader. The final steps include sealing the boxes and applying labels with the labelling unit.

The Velec Breaded Products Loader: Unmatched Simplicity and Safety

Your employees are your most valuable asset, which is why we’ve created the easiest and safest Breaded Products Loader on the market.

Every component of the machine is positioned at ground level, eliminating the need for stairs or platforms. We’ve streamlined operations to focus on the essentials, ensuring maximum safety and ease of use for your team.

Boost Your Productivity with Our Intuitive HMI

Enhance the operation and supervision of your Breaded Products Loader with our user-friendly HMI (Human-Machine Interface). Designed with intuitive screens, it can be customized to any language upon request.

This ergonomic solution minimizes the need for extensive human-machine interaction, streamlining your workflow.

As intuitive as a smartphone, the Velec Breaded Products Loader interface offers easy access to essential information, including instructional videos on disassembly and line cleaning.

Remote call

Maximize Machine Uptime with Remote Assistance

Leverage our integrated remote access via Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or SIM card for real-time, interactive support. With the 360° camera control option, you can connect directly with our experts, who will guide you through the process of restoring your line. This remote assistance not only minimizes downtime but also saves on the cost of having our team travel to your location.

Increase your OEE Thanks To the Highest level of Hygiene in your Plant

The food industry’s cold and humid environment is a breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria. Cleaning production lines is a true liability, and it requires perfect monitoring. Our CIP (Cleaning in Place) systems are the perfect solution to help your cleaning team.


100% stainless steel and
IP69K (motors, gears, sensors,…) solution.

  • Hygienic Design+ finish:
    Microblasting (ra : 6,4).


Equipment at human height for easy access, monitoring and sanitation.

  • Automation of the cleaning process with our Cleaning-in-Place system.


Open and incline structure to avoid retention area.

  • No hollow tubing on all our equipment.

saving water and hygiene products

Up to 50% reduction in your water consumption and disinfection products thanks to CIP.

Possibility to set up your own cleaning sequence (hot water, foam, sanitizer).

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